Thursday 7 October 2010

broken heart

this is the fate.. aku xfaham knp dgn diriku.. like i say kt my besties.. blog ni mesti akan byk cerita psl dia "F***Z" knp mesti aku jd mcm ni sdgkn diew dh buat mcm2 kt aku.. tp aku still syg diew smpi skrg..

kdg2 aku rse diri aku ni bodoh,bangang,bahlol,tolol.. yelah! korg tau tak lps aku clash dgn diew aku jd mcm bkn aku.. x buat keje,malas nk mampos.. senyum jarang! senyum tuh pon utk mghappykn kwn2 aku.. xnk ar dorg bsan dgn aku ni.. xkn nak nanges je.. and xpenah2 aku nangis di depan khalayak ramai.. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME! OMG! x sangka gilew aku.. sblom ni clash jg.. nangis trok jgk.. tp x delah smpi nanges utk tontonan umum..maybe he's d one i really2 love and i'm cmfortable! maybe!

for F! i juz want u to know.. ish x yah speaking ar.. bkn ko paham pon ape aku ckp.haha.. dyh x ksah abg nk kapel dgn org laen tp dyh harapkan abg x lost contact jew.. itu jew.. x nk lebih pon coz i know u cant accept me anymore.. tenkiu for everything and I STILL LOVE YOU UNTIL NOW! i hope u read this.. urm! i dont think so sbb kau buta IT sket.. hahaha.. thats why i ove u.. (xde kna mgena)

ahha! and also too all ma frenz! yezza! thenks korg.. korg byk bg support kt aku.dgr cte sgla2 nya psl bnda ni wlupon tiap hari aku ckp psl diew..korg setia mendengar.. especially ecah,miela,andy,faiz,eyda and shahrul.. mmber f6 jgk.. aku terharu sgt.. SYG JGK KORG KT AKU.. hahaahahaha..

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